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Uses and applications of ozonized oils in Veterinary Medicine

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October 19, 2022

Uses and applications of ozonized oils in Veterinary Medicine

In Oncological Disease

Data from 2016[i] has shown that the application of Ozone Therapy in 4 canine cancer patients (lymphosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, adenocarcinoma, and osteosarcoma) has the potential to improve quality of life and survival in concomitance with conventional treatments.
The application of the therapy was performed rectally, through autohemotherapy and local infiltration, and it was observed that Ozone Therapy was very important in improving the quality of life (after 4 years of treatment, 2 of the animals were alive and without signs of oncological disease; 1 of them died of natural death; and the 11-year-old patient diagnosed with thyroid follicular adenocarcinoma survived for 7 months – without chemotherapy – and continuosly showed to have good quality of life, as well as a reduction in tumour size to 1/5 of the initial).
This study concludes that the use of ozone therapy as an adjunct/concomitant to conventional treatments should be a common practice in veterinary oncology, with promising results.

Musculoskeletal Pathology

Pain, itching, muscle weakness, decreased activity, amongst other issues, are a constant in veterinary medicine. Conventional treatments are based on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, or surgery that try to alleviate signs and symptoms, or then creating a merely palliative regimen to address these conditions, and give rise to several side effects that limit their use.
Data has been collected from 2013[ii] to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects in canids undergoing treatment with Ozone Therapy, plus growth factors derived from the ozonated platelets.
Two groups of animals were used, one diagnosed with osteoarthritis and the other presenting pain. After being treated with Ozone and plasma rich in growth factors (group 1) or with Ozone therapy (group 2), there was a significant improvement in both groups in just 24 hours (85% in group 1 and 50% in group 2).
Pain relief after the use of Ozone Therapy was observed in patients with lower back, cervical,and herniated discs without any significant adverse effects. The oxygenating and immunomodulatory effects of this therapy through activation of antioxidant mechanisms have also been well documented, clearly concluding that Ozone Therapy manifests itself through a recognised prolonged anti-inflammatory effect and a low level of toxicity.

[i] La Ozonoterapia como tratamiento coadyuvante en oncología veterinaria. Casos clínicos. Revista Española de Ozonoterapia. Vol. 6, nº 1, pp 223-229

[ii] Utilización del ozono y factores de crecimiento ozonizados en patologías musculoesqueléticas en la especie canina. Revista Española de Ozonoterapia. Vol. 3, nº 1, pp. 91-94.

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